March 2024: the OASA and Softball Canada requires NCCP coach certification to be eligible to coach in qualifying tournaments. Ensuring a quality and safe sport experience for our athletes is a critical component for us at the OASA. One of the benchmarks to accomplishing this is ensuring our athletes have trained and certified coaches on their bench and aware of current practices and expectations for coach behaviours with today’s athletes.
Registration and clinic listing is available here:
It is our STRONG recommendation for any coach requiring this certification to plan for one of the remaining clinics listed in the above link.
All coaches will be required to meet the requirements laid out in the OASA and by-laws. Any coach who does not meet the necessary requirements will be required to complete an application for a one year extension of this requirement along with a $225 fee (etransfer to This fee will be returned to the coach when successful completion of the appropriate certification has been completed by the 2025 season. Failure to complete the necessary certification by May 1, 2025 will result in a forfeiture of this penalty fee.
Please note, applications for this extension will be sent to the discipline committee chair of the OASA for review (Brad Thomson – ONLY extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the committee where family, health, travel requirements, and other similar rationale will be considered.
Beginning in 2026, any coach who has previously received a one-year exemption, will no longer be eligible for an exemption.
Application Information to include in your email (Subject Line – 2024 OASA Coaching Exception Request – your name):
1. Name
2. Organization
3. Team
4. How long have you been involved with this team?
5. What is your rationale for not completing the required certification?
6. What is your plan to ensure you can complete this training in 2024-2025?
All teams from U15 to U20 will require all teams to have Head Coaches to be Competition Introduction – Certified and all Assistant Coaches to be Competition Introduction – Trained. The requirements for Competition Introduction – Trained or Certified are shown on the Softball Canada website.
At OASA’s AGM in February 2023 a motion passed to align our coaching requirements with Softball Canada in addition to our requirements for U9, U11 and U13 coaches that only play in our provincial events. Please note the OASA coaching certification requirements for 2024: 2024 Coaching Certification Requirements
OASA requires all coaches and team managers to have an NCCP # for the upcoming season. There is no cost to create your profile with the Coaching Association of Canada, which can be set up by going to this link Coaches Association of Canada – The Locker. At a minimum we are looking for all coaches to take the online modules of Foundations of Coaching Softball Part I and II and Make Ethical Decisions depending on the age group that you are coaching.
Softball Ontario has published a listing of Competition Introduction clinics from December through to the end of April in multiple locations across the province. Please be sure to register for the clinics that you will need for OASA or if you think that your team may qualify for a Canadian championship. Here is the link to the clinics: Softball Ontario Coaching Info and Clinics.
Please note the OASA coaching certification requirements for 2024: 2024 Coaching Certification Requirements
Other links:
Softball Ontario Coaching Information and Registration –
Softball Canada Coaching Information –
Coaches Association of Ontario – Funding for Coaches –